by xmadmin | May 12, 2022 | Performances en, Video performances
Cipó, video HD9:16, color, audio, 3’17”,...
by xmadmin | May 11, 2022 | Performances em vídeo, Performances en, Video performances
Gola, video HD16:9, color, audio, 2’25”,...
by xmadmin | May 10, 2022 | Performances en, Video performances
Sal, video HD9:16, color, 36”, 2022, Filmed by Maria Eduarda A....
by xmadmin | Dec 14, 2021 | Special Projects
By Leonardo RamadinhaA circle is made and what was the end is now the beginning. In a moment of pain, it’s needed to say goodbye to almost everything and leave behind what is not core, everything that is not mater. There is a need to be stripped of everything. There...
by xmadmin | Nov 22, 2021 | Publications
In 2019, the book USKRIO was released, and I had the honor of participating with my drawings made in the group’s meetings in the city of Rio de Janeiro. See the digital...